Friday, February 17, 2017

Oh, I could never spend that much money on myself. Or could I?

Part of the experience of preparing for a women's retreat as a facilitator is to begin early on to prepare space metaphorically for the women who will come.  It's making them welcome and preparing the circle for them before they even know they're coming.  It's part of what goes into the end result where women say "I can't believe how comfortable I felt right away" or "I can't believe I just met these women".

So, right now- 3 months before our Soul Restoration retreat in Tubac, I'm doing that work.  I'm putting a call out there to you, calling you to the circle.  I don't know who you are, but I am calling.  The women who are supposed to hear the call and are ready to respond will do it.  Ask yourself if you hear something whispering at you.  Whispering that your joy has been a little dimmed lately. Whispering that there has to be more to life.  Whispering that you've lost sight of who you used to be.
There are always obstacles.  "I can't leave my work, family, kids, furry kids."  "I could never spend that much money on myself."  "I would feel so guilty."  These things never go away.   There's probably never a convenient time to check out of your life and spend a long weekend lovingly attending to yourself.  Convenient?  Maybe not.  Urgent?  Probably!  You make time for everyone else.  Anyone who has ever been to a retreat will tell you that you will be 1,000 x better prepared to make time for and care for everyone else after you return from a retreat.  It's not a secret.  Ask your girlfriends to see who has been to one.  Ask them if they're sorry they went.  Ask them if it was worth every penny.

Our Soul Restoration retreat is all inclusive.  From the moment you park your car at Kenyon Ranch, you will be taken care of.  Do you even remember what that feels like?  Being taken care of?  There's a warm hug awaiting you if you are open to one.  You'll be shown to your cozy casita where there are fresh flowers on the bedside table and goodies waiting for you.  There's time for a walk before dinner.  Perhaps you'd like to sit on the porch and do some journaling instead or rest your eyes while you lay in the hammock.  Dinner is family style in the ranch house.  Food is lovingly prepared and will nourish your soul as much as it does your body.  In the evening we'll meet in the lodge to begin to know each other and start our course.  Chilly? Let us get you a cozy blanket.  Have a headache or a tummy ache?  We're prepared for that and can get you something to help.  We'll finish our evening in the art room working on a little piece of wearable heart art.  The next days are filled with soul work, sharing, singing, making art that fills us up.  You'll be gently guided in all that we do.  And don't worry that we'll be keeping you busy non-stop... we've built in down time as well.  You might choose to have a swim or a soak in the hot tub.  Perhaps you might like to take a walk on the labyrinth in the moonlight.  It's a magical experience.  Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, whether you make friends easily or not, you'll love the women assembled.  I've done this dozens of times and I've never seen it work out any differently.  That's a pretty good basic description of the experience but doesn't even begin to describe the amazing Soul Restoration Course itself nor the incredible location.

There's no physical thing I could buy with my money that does all that for me.  No bag, or manicure brings me the same feelings.  Retreats can be expensive.  Although it may be more than you're used to spending on yourself at one time, this one, at $1,100 is in fact, a bargain.  Even more so if you take advantage of early registration discounts.  Your shared accommodations for all three nights are included. Eight meals, all snacks and beverages are included.  The art materials, supplies and instruction are all included.  Your beautiful materials for Soul Restoration are all included.  Unlike some conferences and other personal growth experiences, you won't be hit up to purchase anything, no DVD's, no personal coaching sessions etc.

What's whispering at you friend?  Why not answer the call and let's see.

Join the circle.  Have some fun.  Feel the love.    #circlefunlove

Friday, February 10, 2017

Emergency Action Guides and Rough Day Books

I had the pleasure of spending a little time today at Discount Tire.  While the good folks got me all fixed up with a new tire, I happened to notice this large flip guide on the wall.  It reminded me so much of the Brave Girls Club tool we create called a Rough Day Book.

No matter how much 'work' we do on ourselves, how purposeful our lives... the rough days ARE going to come.  And when they come, it's best to have a personal action plan to guide us in how to best survive them.

The pages contained in my Rough Day book aren't really laid out like Discount Tires action guide, but I really love it and I think I will start adding some pages with tabs for things like:

  • When dealing with a narcissist
  • When a beloved hurts you 
  • When you disappoint yourself 
  • When the wheels completely come off the train
  • When you need a time out

If you could use a Rough Day Book as your emergency action guide, there's a class coming up this Thursday, February 16th from 6-9pm.  All materials are provided and you'll add your own wisdom to be your guide for when those days happen.  You can register here and use discount code Newyear to get 75% off! 

Fragile... handle with care

Wouldn't it be awesome if we had stickers like this to help others understand when we're feeling tender?

When we are living an authentic life, how we present ourselves in the world is almost like we do have "fragile" stickers on our foreheads.  When we are authentic we can let needs be known and that gives our beloveds a chance to support us.  Just as we are blessed when we give support to others, they are blessed when we allow others to support us in our times of need.  It's a gift really, a gift for both people.

Such was the case for me this week.  The state of our country and the events in my own world had piled up on me like a 5 car wreck all in one day.  I let myself be vulnerable and shared on my Facebook wall that I was feeling very thin in my resilience.  Soon my cup overflowed with an outpouring of virtual love when I shared that I was struggling.

And today... today came a heartfelt message from an incredible woman in my circle that made my heart soar.  In truth, I've known her since she was a little girl. I'm blessed that we've reconnected as peers now.  We all have those people who have really impacted our lives and our growth and she was kind enough today to reach out and tell me that I have been that for her.  It brings up such powerful emotions as I read her words that their impact will be felt by me for a long, long time.

I'm wondering if we can't increase the ripple of this kindness she started today.  Won't you take a moment to identify someone in your life who has made a big impact and reach right now to tell them so?  I hope you will.  The world needs more kindness, don't you agree?

Join the circle.  Have some fun.  Feel the love.